The Principality
Greetings from the Principality!

Any blog posts here come directly from the Office of the Executive, in the attempt of creating the most transparent government possible. My hope is to keep the citizens of the Principality up to date on all matters within the Principality, and address the most urgent matters or questions that anyone might have.

First things first: For those of you thinking this is where the government will be meeting, you have the wrong idea. I, along with a Committee of Online Affairs, am going to try to create a forum for the Government to meet and conduct business in. As soon as that site is fully functional, I will be holding special elections to elect the Counts and Representatives to the General Assembly. When the website is fully functional, my hope is that the citizens will run for office and then we can elect some people. If that doesn't work out as planned I'll have to resort to my powers as Prince Regent to appoint some counts and Representatives to the Royal and General Assemblies.

Secondly, I'd like to make it known to other micronational leaders that diplomacy is open! So far I have established connections with Yabloko and the North American Confederation, and my hope is to make alliance with these nations official as soon as we can. If you represent a nation that would like to establish diplomatic relations with the Principality, please refer to the contacts page, listed above.

The Honorable Grant Lemasters
Prince Regent & Executive of the Principality

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